Internship Overview
An internship is a career preparation activity which students are placed at a worksite for a defined period of time to participate in and observe work firsthand within a given industry. An internship is an excellent way to determine if the industry and the profession is the best career option to follow before investing a lot of time and money in training and education.
Internships engage students in their own learning and provide multiple opportunities for reflection on the experience, both verbally and in writing. Quality internships are designed to directly support academic learning.
The Internship Experience
Once students have been accepted into the program, the Internship Coordinator secures a career mentor from the Topeka area in the desired field. The student intern works, observes or shadows the career mentor two days a week, 90 minutes per visit for approximately twelve weeks. Written daily reflections are submitted by the student to the coordinator sharing details of the workday. Students also gather information from the career mentor and others to create a final presentation on their experience to share if this is the career they want to pursue after high school. A work ethic curriculum is taught at school by the coordinator to enable all students to be successful in any career they choose in their future.

Any twelfth-grade student with the maturity to work independently and is a student in good standing may apply to the Internship Program. Students may not have more than five absences in a semester and should have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Students will complete and submit an application and letter of interest for the program.
Students must provide their own transportation and continue to abide by all school and worksite rules and regulations.
Seaman HS uses a web-based learning management system (LMS) called Schoology. Students participate in discussion posts, reflections and completion of assignments through this cutting edge, 21st Century software.
Students receive direct instruction emphasizing 21st Century Employability Skills, they learn how to set goals, build and create a resume, cover letter and obtain references. Panel discussions using local businessmen and women from the Topeka Community also provide meaningful information on career choices to students.
Internship Placement runs approximately twelve weeks each semester. Students are matched with a mentor in a career setting they may want to pursue after high school. Most placements occur Wednesday/Friday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 pm or Tuesday/Thursday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 pm.
Upon completion of the semester, students are back at Seaman HS, preparing their capstone presentation to invited mentors, parents and other school personnel.
If you are interested in participating as a career mentor please contact Gita Noble by emailing [email protected].
Twitter: @SHSInternship