Internship at Precise Clinical Research
"During my second week of interning, I got to talk to Mr. Fair a lot, and discuss many things. On Wednesday we discussed the importance of safe trials and making sure that they were testable on humans. We went over one really bad trial and he talked about the process of how drugs and really anything gets through to be able to be approved by the FDA. I learned a lot about it because I thought it was fairly simple, but there are multiple stages that I never thought of before. On Friday we discussed the importance of the trail testers knowing what they were going to do and what was going to happen. He gave us a sample copy of the patient information form."
-Student Intern, Ben Hulsing
Internship at Se2
"Wednesday and Friday I was plugging invoices into an excel spreadsheet that held a total amount, brief description, and contact. Also, I watched short instructional videos that gave me a background of what I was doing so I knew what task I was completing and what the purpose was to each individual task."
-Student Intern, Traice Hartter
Internship with Britewerks
"Hayley and I just continued to work on our advertising for the zoo. I created a layout and we will be using Hayley's artwork. It was a very productive week and we accomplished a lot. I cannot wait to see the finished project and see how the zoo reacts to what we have created."
-Student Intern, Tira Haag
Internship at Capitol Federal Corporate Headquarters
"I worked closely with Nate as I did in weeks one through four and will continue into the seeable future. We have been working on getting the software operational for employee use. I have still enjoyed each day of my internship and look forward to the continuation of shadowing the workers at Capitol Federal."
-Student Intern, Jordan Baumann
Internship at Latimer Sommers and Associates
"On Tuesday I started on a new set of plans calculating the area in rooms that I will eventually use to calculate the heating and cooling loads on those buildings. On Thursday I continued to work on my other set of plans calculating the amount of watts that will going through home runs."
-Student Intern, Zach Dobbs